
A lot of people have been asking us for more information on the services that we provide. As such, we have compiled the most frequently asked questions in this page. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us.

What is Union County Fair? 

Union County Fair is an events management company that specializes in arranging and coordinating county fairs. We have worked for several years in the management of the Ohio Union County Fair. We look forward to offering this kind of service to other counties. Know that we are the only events management company that specializes in this kind of niche.

Why are you offering this kind of service? 

We know for a fact that a lot of counties would like to showcase their agricultural productivity, including their own culture and identity. However, they are at a loss in terms of how to start. As such, we have decided to offer our services. Feel free to take advantage of our offer.

What kind of services can we expect from your company?

Union County Fair has basically three types of services. We offer full event management and coordination. In this manner, we do all the work from start to finish — from planning, execution and post production. Your only job is to inform us of your vision and to approve our proposals. We also offer limited event coordination. This is for those who want full control of their event but would like to seek professional help. We also offer advisory services. This is for those who want our help in specific aspects of their events.

Why should we hire you?

Union County Fair is the only company specializing in the management of county events. We are the experts in the field and we are confident that we can deliver the event that you want.